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Keypad 3x4 with pic 16f887


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The keyboard also known as the keypad is fairly common use in programming the microcontroller to enter data quickly. Currently, there are different kinds keypad, but the most common are type 3 × 4 and 4 × 4.

 To identify an action occurs on the keypad, we implement continuous keypad scan to detect it.

 Compiler mikroC Pro for Pic has supported us a library of functions to perform a simple scan most keypad.

 Library in mikroC compiler function keypad (Keypad Library):

Keypad_Init (): Before you use the other functions of the library keypad, you must call this function before.
Keypad_Key_Press (): Read from the keyboard keys are pressed, if no key is pressed, the function returns 0.
Keypad_Key_Click (): The function will wait until the first key pressed and released. When the key is released, the function returns a value from 1 to 16, depending on the keys on the keypad. If more than one key is pressed, the function will wait until the key is released. Then, the function returns the value of the first key is pressed.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOZ4e0jM-LQ

Code mikroC and proteus file here

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  • 6 years later...
On 3/15/2016 at 2:37 AM, minhrung said:


The keyboard also known as the keypad is fairly common use in programming the microcontroller to enter data quickly. Currently, there are different kinds keypad, but the most common are type 3 × 4 and 4 × 4.

 To identify an action occurs on the keypad, we implement continuous keypad scan to detect it.

 Compiler mikroC Pro for Pic has supported us a library of functions to perform a simple scan most keypad.

 Library in mikroC compiler function keypad (Keypad Library):

Keypad_Init (): Before you use the other functions of the library keypad, you must call this function before.
Keypad_Key_Press (): Read from the keyboard keys are pressed, if no key is pressed, the function returns 0.
Keypad_Key_Click (): The function will wait until the first key pressed and released. When the key is released, the function returns a value from 1 to 16, depending on the keys on the keypad. If more than one key is pressed, the function will wait until the key is released. Then, the function returns the value of the first key is pressed.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOZ4e0jM-LQ

Code mikroC and proteus file here

Hopefully this is still helpful even after 6 year


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