I'm trying to pulse-width modulate an output from a 74HC585 shift register.
To achieve this, I plugged a PWM output from a teensy 3.1 microcontroler into the output enable input of the 74HC595. The A output of the 74HC595 is then connected to the ground via a 640 Ohm resistor. Voltage between VCC and ground is 3.3V.
Then I use the microcontroler to shift 0b00000001 to the 74HC595 and I start to PWM the output enable input at 50% duty cycle.
Here is the datesheet of 74hc595
I expect to measure about 1.6V voltage between output A of the 74HC595 and ground. And indeed, if the PWM carrier frequency is slow (100 Hz), that's what I observe.
Problem is, when I try to increase the PWM carrier frequency, the voltage between A and ground increase. For example, I measure 2.7V for a 10 KHz frequency. I measured the voltage between the teensy pwm output and ground, and it is as expected : 1.6 V.
So, I know ICs can't be fed arbitrary high frequencies, but I was under the impression that 10 KHz doesn't qualify as high frequency.
I seem to be unable to understand the problem, so here I am : can anyone explain me the reasons of this behavior ?